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Fundraise in your community

From fundraising at school to raising funds when you shop online, there are lots of different ways you can support Brandon. Select a heading below to find out more.

Fundraising at school

Schools play a big part in fundraising for charity. We are always happy to come and talk to schools about our work, share stories about our amazing support workers and how they work with the people we support.

We can support you in any activities that you decide to do. To get in touch and start a conversation, please email: fundraising@brandontrust.org.

Fundraising with your community group

community groupPutting the people we support at the heart of the community is so important to us and we are truly grateful to the community groups who have raised money for us over the years.

Do you belong to a Rotary, WI or Lions group? Do you play football, sing in a choir, or go to a book club with friends? We are always happy to come and speak to community groups.

Whether you are looking to stage a show or put on a series of challenges, we would love you to do it for Brandon. It could be a one-off event or a longer partnership. We will do all we can to support you to make it a success.

To find out how we can support you or to discuss an idea, please contact: fundraising@brandontrust.org.

Organise an event

If you're planning to raise funds for Brandon, we’d love to hear from you. Whether your event is big or small, is an extreme challenge or a black tie dinner, we can support you. Where possible, we’ll promote your event on social media, supply you with T-shirts, collection tins and buckets.

To tell us about your event or to discuss ideas, please contact fundraising@brandontrust.org.

Fundraise while shopping

If you shop online, you can raise funds for Brandon, without even having to leave your sofa. It also won't cost you a penny more than your shopping! Just sign up and choose Brandon Trust as your charity.