Types of support

We provide support that enables adults, young people and children with a learning disability and/or autism to live their lives in the way they choose.

Everyone is different and we offer a broad range of support, all focussed on the unique needs and ambitions of each individual. We design our support using a co-production approach, always with the aim of achieving the best possible outcomes for the people we support.

To browse our current vacancies, please visit the support vacancies page.

Portrait of mother and special needs daughter studying at home

Our support types

Supported living

We’ll support you in your own home, whether you share with others or live on your own. We’ll work with you and your family/carer or local authority to design your support, so that it suits how you choose to live your life. Some people have support 24 hours a day, other people only have a few hours each week. However much support you have, our aim is to enable you to live as independently as possible. In Oxfordshire, we also provide supported living with nursing care.

Support available in:
Flexible support

Flexible support is delivered in or from your home. Support can range from a few hours a week, through to a varied package of support which is delivered every day. It can also include telephone support. Flexible support gives you the opportunity to plan exactly when, where, and how your support is required to help you meet your own goals and needs. We currently don’t offer less than 10-15 hours a week in Bristol, South Gloucestershire or North Somerset.

Support available in:
Accommodation with support

All our homes are unique, just as everyone living in them is unique. They are shared homes, adapted to meet the needs and preferences of the people who live there. Our support staff provide individual, person-centred support, enabling you to make your own choices and do the things you want to. Some of our homes also provide nursing care for people who have complex health needs.

Support available in:
Accommodation with nursing support

Some people with a learning disability and/or autism will experience additional complex health needs, such as epilepsy, dysphasia, an IDDSI level diet, wound care, specialised communication and/or dementia. Our staff deliver a timetable of varied meaningful activities for the individuals we support to engage with, and our specialist nurse practitioners review individuals’ needs and support the clinical team with bespoke interventions.

We take a bespoke approach to palliative care and dying well. Wherever possible, people are enabled to direct their end-of-life support and share with us their wishes regarding how best to offer our support at this critical time.

Support available in:
Day services

Day services provide a range of leisure and learning opportunities aimed at helping you gain skills, build relationships, and support your wellbeing. There are many types of activities available for both groups and individuals, depending on the area where you live. These range from sensory-based sessions through to cooking, gardening, and dancing.

Support available in:
Children and families

We work alongside families and children so that you can choose your own staff and design support that fits around your family. We support children in their family homes and assist them to make full use of facilities in their own communities. Depending on the child’s assessed need, we can provide a range of support, from a few hours a week to a full wraparound service. We also provide training for family members, as well as signposting you to other support networks.

Support available in:
Young people

We aim to support your independence at this key point in your life and make sure that you and your family are given as many options as possible when planning your support, so you can live your life in the way you choose. This support might be provided in your family home, in accommodation that you live in by yourself or share with others.

Support available in:
Supported employment, employment projects and training

Brandon’s social enterprises provide opportunities for you to develop skills through workshops, vocational training, and paid employment. They are based in a range of settings, from a working farm through to potteries that produce beautiful ceramics. We also offer employment projects through partnerships in some of the areas we operate. The aim of all our employment and training services is to overcome the barriers you may experience in finding a job, at the same time as enabling you to gain new skills and confidence.

Our trainee and supported employee placements are funded through local authority social care commissioning, direct payments, CHC/NHS or self-funding.
A funding agreement needs to be in place before any placement is trialled and matched according to the individual.

Support available in:
Short breaks

We have a number of short break services offering both planned and emergency respite support for children and adults. Short breaks are structured around the needs and choices of each individual and provide families and carers with an invaluable break.

Support available in: