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An update for families, carers & friends - March 2021

As we mark the one-year anniversary since the start of the initial Covid-19 lockdown, we've been reflecting on what has undoubtedly been a challenging year for us all.

Positivity across Brandon

Despite the lockdown restrictions, we've been amazed by the resilience of our staff and the people we support. We've heard many positive stories; people we support learning new skills to help them stay connected with their loved ones, people moving into new homes and gaining increased independence, and those who have, despite everything, expanded their horizons and personal boundaries.

You can read some of these stories, and more, by visiting the What's happening section.

We'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our staff for their incredible efforts and commitment over the last 12 months.

Sue's update

Our Chief Executive, Sue Porto, has filmed a short video update talking about current visiting guidelines, vaccinations for people we support, and importantly, our call on the Government to release updated guidance for supported living settings as soon as possible.

COVID-19 Update from Sue Porto, 23 March 2021

A COVID-19 update from our Chief Executive, Sue Porto. Filmed on 23 March 2021, Sue summarises our current approach in light of the ongoing pandemic, and takes time to reflect on the past year.

Further updates

As always, we will continue to review and provide updates on the COVID-19 page of this website. Our local staff teams will be providing families and carers with detailed updates, so please contact your Locality Manager or Team Leader if you need any further information.

Alternatively, the Talk to us page sets out other ways you can provide us with feedback.