Annual report 2022-2023

Our annual report and financial statements for 2022-23 reveal a challenging financial climate that was echoed across the social care sector during the period.

Yet despite those sector headwinds, Brandon has continued to deliver exceptional standards of care and support to more than 1,600 children, young people and adults with a learning disability and/or autism.

The report’s highlights include:

  • The opportunities we have created to enable people with learning disabilities and/or autism to engage more in their daily lives
  • How we are supporting people to have increased independence
  • The ways in which we are empowering people to overcome barriers and make their own choices about their own lives.

Our new virtual 360 tours for commissioners and social workers are also ensuring local authorities can view and assess support vacancies efficiently, to the benefit of our local authority partners and the individuals who need to find appropriate support.

We are proud of our CQC ratings where they apply, which are 95 per cent Outstanding or Good against the market average of 86.3 percent. We are also higher in percentage in all the individual domains.

Our preparation for the new single assessment CQC included the rollout of BSafe, our new quality control digital tracking system, which has been a big success, not just in terms of the oversight it gives to the organisation but also the digital adoption of this system by the operational teams.

We are also very proud of the partnerships we continue to develop through our co-production and consultation work and the ongoing development of our supported employment opportunities through our not-for-profit social enterprise businesses.

The work we do and the people we support are the heart of our charity and we are proud to continue ensuring that everyone can live life to the full, both now and in the future.

Gender pay gap

Group of Brandon Trust team members fundraising

We welcome the opportunity to publish our gender pay gap report. You can find more details on reporting requirements and how the data is calculated on the Government website.

The data for Brandon Trust for 2023 is as follows:

  • Mean hourly rate – women’s hourly rate is 0.4% higher
  • Median hourly rate – men and women’s hourly rate is equal
  • Bonus gender pay gap – not applicable as Brandon doesn’t operate a bonus scheme

Proportion of females and males in each quartile bracket:

  • Top quartile – Men 26.18% / Women 73.9%
  • Upper middle quartile – Men 26.9% / Women 73.1%
  • Lower middle quartile – Men 25.5% / Women 74.5%
  • Lower quartile – Men 25.9% / Women 74.1%

Our 2023 report in summary

Two men taking a selfie photograph hugging and looking happy

As a charity supporting people with learning disabilities our aim is to enable people to live life in the way they choose and achieve their dreams.

We aim to support all colleagues to achieve their full potential at work and are delighted to report that we continue to perform strongly in delivering our aim of pay parity, with women’s mean average pay in 2023 being 0.4% higher than men’s, and the median average being equal for men and women.

For context, the latest national data shows women’s mean average pay as 14.3% less than men’s, and women’s median average pay being 13.2% less than men’s. Source: ONS provisional dataset – pub Nov 2023

Our workforce

Like many other organisations in the social care sector, Brandon has a predominantly female workforce. At 5 April 2023, the employees who were eligible to be included in the gender pay gap calculations were 73.9% women and 26.1% men. Our overall employee split of women to men continues to be typical of these percentages.

Our aim is to achieve pay parity, with a 0% gender pay gap across our workforce, acknowledging that actual figures may fluctuate slightly from year to year.

Mean hourly rate of pay
The mean rate of pay is the difference between the average hourly rate of pay for women and men. For Brandon, this figure is 0.4% higher for women.

Median hourly rate of pay
The median rate of pay is the difference between the midpoints in the ranges of men’s and women’s hourly rate of pay. For Brandon, this figure is 0% as the rates for men and women are equal.

We also have to report on how many women and men are in each quarter of our payroll. All quartiles show a balanced profile of men and women, comprising 26% men and 74% women.

Brandon does not discriminate on grounds of gender and complies in full with the Equality Act 2010. We are absolutely committed to the principle of gender pay equality. Jobs are evaluated and placed on pre-set spot rates or pay scales, ensuring all our staff are paid the same for comparable roles regardless of gender. Brandon does not operate a bonus scheme.

Modern slavery statement

A happy man going for a walk in the woods with a backpack and two walking sticks

Brandon Trust has taken action to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking within our organisation and supply chains.

As part of the care sector, the organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

We are absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities, and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.